英國中文專線:+44(0)161-504-3687(廣東話) / 3688(國語) |目前2024秋冬季計畫更新中,如日期上不可選擇請聯絡客服確認開班日期,日曆上可以選擇都是可以出行的日期。


Terms and Liability Issues Regarding Tailored Travel Arrangements

預約流程Booking Process

  1. 客製化需求:請告知歐洲旅行的目的地/國家,預計出發日期,行程天數,人數,酒店類型,旅途喜好、預算等信息,幫助我們更有效率得為您量身定制方案。
    Customization Requirements: Kindly provide details regarding your desired European travel destination/countries, anticipated departure date, duration of the trip, number of travellers, preferred hotel category, travels preferences. a tailored itinerary for you more efficiently.
  2. 初步方案:您的專屬訂製師依照您的需求及喜好,結合其豐富的客製化經驗,為您設計一套適合您的專屬初步行程及報價單。
    Your dedicated customization specialist will design a personalized preliminary itinerary and quotation tailored to your preferences and requirements, leveraging their extensive customization experience.
  3. 方案確認:根據您的需求,討論行程,如有必要進行相應修改,在您滿意所有行程、報價及相應條款後,雙方簽署「行程確認書」,根據約定繳付團款,完成預訂。
    Confirmation of Proposal: Based on your requirements, itinerary discussions will take place. If necessary, adjustments will be made accordingly. Once you are satisfied with all aspects of the itidary, pricing, and areina party), c 因為.' Following the agreement, the group payment will be made as per the agreed terms, completing the booking process.

  4. 操作執行:收到約定金額後,我們將正式操作您的團隊。我們將根據確認的行程為您精心安排酒店、優質司導、景點門票、預訂餐廳等具體服務Execution of Operations: Upon receipt of the agreed amount, we will proceed with the formal handling of your group. We will meticulously arrange specific services for you, including hotel accommodations, expert guides, attraction tickets, restaurant reservations, and other requested amenities, in accordance with the confirmed itinerary.

  5. 行前通知:在您出發前1-2 週,專屬訂製師將會為您準備好全套確認文件,包括飯店資料、注意事項等
    Pre-Departure Notification: Your dedicated customization specialist will compile a comprehensive set of confirmation documents for you, including hotel details, relevant instructions, and any additional considerations, approximately 1-2 weeks.

  6. 建立服務群:在您抵達日前1-2 天,專屬定制師將會把您和服務司機導遊建議微信或Whatapp 服務群,方便及時聯繫和處理您的需求。 Establishment of Service Group: 1-2 days prior to your arrival, your dedicated customization specialist will create a service group on WeChat or WhatsApp, connecting you with the service drivers and guides. This facilitates and service drivers and guides。

  7. 行中協助:您的專屬訂製師在您的整個旅行行程過程中隨時候命,您有任何的疑問,需求或新增服務內容都可以得到及時回應。
    Trip Assistance: Your dedicated specialist is at your disposal throughout your entire travel journey. Should you have any questions, needs, or requests for additional services, they are available to provide prompt supistance and portt.

  8. 旅行回饋:在您旅行即將結束時,您的司導會提供您「客戶滿意書」進行填寫,以幫助我們更好地了解您的想法。
    Travel Feedback: As your journey approaches its conclusion, your guide will provide you with a 'Customer Satisfaction Form' for your feedback. Your input helps us better understand your experience.


  1. 支付金額:報價金額為本公司銀行到帳金額,依您選擇的不同支付方式,將會在到帳金額上增加不同比例的銀行手續費。 (具體手續費請諮詢您的訂製師)
    ? .
  1. 電子帳單:本公司為英國註冊增值稅企業,每筆交易都需要開設增值稅帳單。請提供您的姓名,帳單地址,郵箱以及電話。我們財務將會根據約定金額寄送電子增值稅帳單至您的信箱。
    Electronic Invoice: As a registered Value Added Tax (VAT) enterprise in the UK, our company issues VAT invoices for every transaction. Please provide your full name, billing address, email, and ph one number dedance indances nendronic the one n. to your email based on the agreed amount.
  1. 分期付款:確認後(或五天內)繳納至少50%訂金(訂金比例依您預訂的服務內容而定)至全部團款,餘款將於出發日前30 天全部付清。具體支付分期情況,以報價單為準。
    Instalment Payment: Upon confirmation (or within five days), a minimum deposit of at least 50% (the deposit percentage is determined based on the services booked) is required. The remaining balance must be settled in full laday age 30 spriter the departure date. The specific instalment payment terms are subject to the quotation.
  1. 付款方式Payment Methods
  • 信用卡支付:親自到本公司或電子帳單(增加信用卡手續費)
    Credit Card Payment: In person at our company or through electronic invoices (credit card processing fees apply).
  • 銀行轉帳:國際匯款時,請負擔雙方銀行手續費,並確保到帳金額為報價金額(若不足需另外補足差額)
    Bank Transfer: For international transfers, both parties are responsible for any associated bank fees, and the received amount should match the quoted amount (additional payment may be required to cover any shortfall).
  • 掃一掃二維碼,使用支付寶或微信結算(可使用人民幣,需另外增加手續費)
    Scan the QR code to settle payment via Alipay or WeChat Pay (available in Chinese Yuan, with additional processing fees).

取消條款Cancellation Policy

Following confirmation of all bookings, any cancellation of travel must be conveyed in writing, irrespective of circumstances or reasons. The ensuing rules will govern the deduction of tour fees:

  1. 以出發日起計算,超過45 天以上取消,訂金將全數退還(僅限銀行轉賬,如使用信用卡、微信、支付寶或其他轉帳方式需扣除交易手續費)
    If the cancellation is made more than 30 days prior to the departure date, the deposit will be refunded in full (applicable only for bank transfers; for credit card, WeChat, Alipay, or other transfer methods, transfer 讓
  2. 以出發日期計算, 21 至44 天前取消,需繳交團費50%。
    Cancellation between 21 to 44 days prior to the departure date will incur a fee of 50% of the tour cost.
  3. 以出發日期計算, 0 至20 天前取消,需繳交團費100%。
    Cancellation between 0 to 20 days prior to the departure date will incur a fee of 100% of the tour cost.


If the quotation includes airline ticket bookings, hotel and car reservations during holidays or major exhibitions, special promotions, entry ticket bookings, etc., cancellation terms will be subject to sequate subject to seperect then terms. tomized tour .


  1. 若在行程前或過程中遭遇極端天氣、交通延誤、機械故障、火災、罷工、戰爭、政治動盪、大規模傳染病蔓延等非公司可控制的不可抗力情形,我們將竭盡全力協調處理。但對於因此導致的行程延遲、更改或取消,本公司將不承擔任何直接或間接的財務損失或法律責任。

    If extreme weather, transportation delays, mechanical failures, fires, strikes, wars, political unrest, widespread epidemic outbreaks, or other force majeure events beyond the company's control ocefore 集 he he he leadhe hehe heel un”不是 he 品牌”he he hehe lioche ihe iadheion he he lead hehe he leadhe he orhey iadheion adhey 品牌 he 紙 花t the he hey iadhe he lead"he or hey iadheion liadheion he lead he he hey unadhe threfoccalo 影響詞ingly. However, the company will not be liable for any direct or indirect economic losses or legal responsibilities resulting from delays, alterations, or cancellations caused by such events.

  2. 對於我們公司使用的交通工具、飯店等方面的安全以及行李遺失問題,每家公司都有不同的處理政策。若發生此類情況,將依據各自公司的政策進行處理。我們公司、導遊、司機或第三方代理與團員之間不承擔任何責任。所有團員需妥善保管個人重要證件、貴重物品及行李,並強烈建議在出發前購買個人旅遊保險。
    For the safety of transportation vehicles, hotels, and issues related to luggage loss, each company has its own policies for handling such matters. In the event of such occurrences, the policies of the respective ”com , or third-party agents bear no responsibility toward participants. All participants are required to properly safeguard their important documents, valuables, and luggage. It is strongly reefended to purvelse 它

  3. 參團人員需自行負責自身的有效旅行證件及簽證。本公司不提供入境國簽證諮詢服務,請參考政府官網以獲得準確官方資訊。同時不得以無有效證件或簽證拒簽為理由要求減免旅行團取消罰金。在任何情況下,若海關拒絕參團人員入境,旅行費用將不予退還,同時任何因此產生的額外費用與本公司無關。
    Participants are responsible for ensuring the validity of their own travel documents and visas. Our company does not provide immigration visa consultation services. Please refer to government websites for accurate offividation soleal. exemption from cancellation penalties. Under any circumstances, if customs refuse entry to a tour participant, travel expenses will not be refunded, and any resulting additional costs will be unrelated to our company.

  4. 參團人員需遵守各國法律法規,嚴禁攜帶任何違禁物品。若參團人員在旅途中違反當地法令,導致罰款、調查、監控等事件引發行程延誤、修改或取消,本公司將不會退還團費。根據情況的嚴重性,本公司有權拒絕繼續向參團人員提供服務並不退還團費。參團人員因此產生的任何額外費用,與本公司無關。
    Participants must abide by the laws of each country and are strictly prohibited from carrying any prohibited items. If participants violate local laws and regulations during the journey, resulting in fines, investigations, surveillance, or other events causing delays, modifications, or cancellations of the itinerary, the company will not refund the tour fees. Depending on the severity of the situation, the company reserves the right to refuse to continue providing services to participants without refunding the tour fees. Any 5dition .

  5. 在任何情況下,如果參團人員因私人理由要求自行出發、個別返回或中途離團,本公司將盡力協調安排。但若因此而產生額外費用,客人需要自行承擔。
    In any circumstances, if a tour participant requests to depart, return individually, or leave the tour midway for personal reasons, our company will make every effort to coordinate arrangements. However, omerany invro expevery

    If tour participants cancel any attractions, activities, meals, or itineraries included in the quoted price during the journey, it will be considered voluntary forfeiture, and our refund will not will be considered voluntary forfeiture, and our refund any not refund any fees.

  6. 報價單及行程文件中的景點、遊覽順序、住宿地點等僅供參考,本公司依實際情況安排。不排除部分景點因假日或大型活動關閉的可能性,本公司將在不減少付費景點的情況下調整遊覽順序,如實在不能安排,則退回景點門票。
    The attractions, tour sequence, and accommodation locations listed in the quotation and itinerary documents are for reference only. Our company will make arrangements based on actual circumstances. It is possible that somen tial that somes haoo that somes as that somes sh. , our company will adjust the tour sequence without reducing the number of paid attractions. If it is not possible to arrange an alternative, tickets for the affected attractions will be refunded.