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下载详阅 旅行团报名须知与责任细则


|基本条款 Basic Terms


1.1 本须知与责任细则的修改或取消条款,以及公司网页和书面信息中的陈述,将构成您与 TOWOW Travel Limited(以下简称“公司”)达成的旅行相关合同的基础。在本文中,“我”、“我们”、“公司”、“本公司” 代表 TOWOW Travel Limited(一家在英格兰注册的公司,编号:111248),在英国及欧洲其他地区运 营或代理其他旅行公司(以下统称为“旅行”、“旅游”、“旅程”、“产品”等)

The provisions of the Terms and Conditions for Tour Registration and Liability, along with statements on the company's website and in written communications, shall form the foundation of the contractual agreement regarding travel between you and TOWOW Travel Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). In this document, "I," "we," "the Company" and "Our Company" denote TOWOW Travel Limited (a company registered in England under registration number: 111248), which operates or acts as an agent for other travel companies in the United Kingdom and other European regions (hereinafter collectively referred to as "travel," "tour," "journey," "product," etc.).


1.2 在本条款下,“您”和“您的”指的是预订中的所有客人。通过预订,预订中指定的“主要游客/客人”将被视为代表预订中指定的所有游客/客人已接受这些条件。为避免疑问,在本条款和条件中,“书面”包括但不限于电子邮件、在线服务聊天记录、短消息等方式。

Under these provisions, "you" and "your" refer to all guests included in the booking. By making the booking, the designated "primary traveler/guest" specified in the reservation shall be deemed to represent that all guests specified in the booking have accepted these terms. For the avoidance of doubt, in these terms and conditions, "written" includes but is not limited to email, online service chat records, text messages, etc.


1.3 我们努力确保手册和网站上的信息和价格准确无误,但有时会发生变化和错误。在这种情况下,我们保留更正价格和其他详细信息的权利。在提出预订请求之前,您应检查当前价格及与希望预订的安排有关的所有其他详细信息。所有旅游团视情况而定出售。这些条款均无违反或抵触适用于您的预订的《2018年旅行和联系旅行安排条例》The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018  (the “2018 Regulations”)(以下翻译简称“2018年条例”)或《2015年消费者权益法》Consumer Rights Act 2015(以下翻译简称“2015年法”),您在任何此类法律下的法定权利不受影响。

We endeavour to ensure the accuracy and correctness of information and prices presented in our brochures, website, and all written communications, including emails and other methods.  However, occasional changes and errors may arise. In such instances, we retain the right to rectify prices and other particulars. Prior to submitting a booking request, it is advisable to verify the current prices and all relevant details pertaining to the arrangements you intend to book. Availability may vary for all tours. These terms are in compliance with the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 (referred to as the "2018 Regulations") governing your booking and the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (referred to as the "2015 Act"). Your statutory rights under these laws remain unaffected.

1.4 所有款项支付代表您已阅读并同意本公司的报名须知以及取消更改条款。 请仔细阅读本条款和条件,如 有任何疑问,请与书面和我们联系。联系邮箱:info@robingo.co.uk 。 

All payments made shall constitute acceptance of the Company's terms and conditions for tour registration and its cancellation and amendment policies. Please review these terms and conditions carefully, and should you have any inquiries, kindly contact us in writing at info@robingo.co.uk .


|跟团产品预订 Group Tour Booking


2.1 您可以通过我们的网站、电话、邮件或亲自前往我们的办公室(需提前预约)进行预订。在我们发送您的 预订确认信及最终出团通知之前,您的预订未被确认。 

You can make a reservation through our website, phone, email, or by visiting our office in person (by appointment only). Your reservation will not be confirmed until we send you the booking confirmation and final departure notice.


2.2 预订时需支付全款(除非有其他约定)。只有在我们收到您的全额付款后,我们才会发出预订确认信。

Full payment is required at the time of booking unless otherwise agreed upon. We will only send the booking confirmation after we have received your full payment.


2.3 每个跟团旅行产品的行程安排、费用细则、预订取消条款、出行人数等产品相关内容都有所不同,请您在预订前仔细查阅各自产品页面或书面文档并加以详细阅读。

The itinerary arrangements, pricing details, booking cancellation terms, and participant numbers may vary for each group product. Please meticulously review the corresponding product pages or written documentation before proceeding with your reservation.


2.4 如果您感兴趣的任何旅行团在您全额付款之前已被预订满或由于其他原因无法预订,我们将不承担任何经济及法律责任。

 We will not assume any financial or legal responsibility if any tour you are interested in is fully booked or unavailable for any reason before you make full payment.


|定制产品预订 Tailor-made Tour Booking


3.1  我们提供根据您需求量身定制的行程,包括交通、住宿、餐饮、汽车/巴士租赁、景点门票、导游和/或其他增值服务(统称为“定制产品”)。

We offer tailor-made itineraries according to your requirements, including transportation, accommodation, dining, car/bus rentals, attraction tickets, tour guides, and/or other value-added services (collectively referred to as "customized products").


3.2 定制产品的报价基于指定人数,日期,行程及服务标准,如人数,日期,有所变化,报价将做相应调整。

The pricing of customized products is based on specified factors such as the number of participants, dates, itinerary, and service standards. If there are changes in the number of participants or dates, the pricing will be adjusted accordingly.


3.3 修改及取消条款因产品而异,需参考您收到的书面报价单及其对应的预订条款。

The modification and cancellation terms vary depending on the product and should be referenced in the written quotation and corresponding booking terms you receive.


3.4 所有定制产品需在出发前指定日期内付清所有费用。如未在指定日期内付清指定费用导致旅行无法成行或其他损失,我们将不承担任何经济及法律责任。

All customized products must be fully paid for by the specified date before departure. If the specified fees are not paid by the designated date, resulting in the inability to proceed with the trip or other losses, we will not be liable for any economic or legal responsibility.


3.5 鉴于定制团队游的旅游行业操作惯例,若我们未收到所有参团人员的联系信息,则将默认本公司已获得联系方式的人员为主要游客。有关本公司和主要游客间义务及责任的定义如下:

Considering the customary practices in the customized group tour industry, if we have not received contact information for all members of the touring group, individuals for whom we have obtained contact details will be presumed to be the primary travelers. The obligations and responsibilities between our company and the primary traveller are defined as follows:

  • 本公司将根据主要游客代表整个团队的需求,提供行程单,报价单、预订条款等书面沟通文件,以确保信息的及时传达及沟通有效性。

    Our company will provide written communication documents such as itineraries, price quotes, and booking terms based on the requirements represented by the primary travelers, ensuring timely dissemination of information and effective communication.

  • 主要游客有责任及时、完整地向所有参团人员转交从本公司收到的所有书面沟通资料,以确保团队成员之间的信息共享和一致性。

    The primary travelers are responsible for promptly and completely forwarding all written communication received from our company to all members of the touring group, ensuring information sharing and consistency among team members.

  • 除非有任何参团人员事先提出异议,本公司默认主要游客可以代表整个团队同意本公司提交的行程单,报价单以及预订条款,以保证行程安排的一致性和合法性。

    Unless any touring group member raises objections in advance, our company defaults to considering the primary traveller as having the authority to consent on behalf of the entire group to the itineraries, price quotes, and booking terms submitted by our company, ensuring consistency and legality in travel arrangements.

  • 除非有任何参团人员事先提出异议,本公司默认主要游客可以代表整个团队或者部分参团人员的修改或取消要求,以确保行程、日期或人数等变更的及时处理和团队意见的统一性。

    Unless any touring group member raises objections in advance, our company defaults to considering the primary travelers as authorized to request modifications or cancellations on behalf of the entire group or specific group members, ensuring timely handling of changes in itinerary, dates, or group size, and maintaining consensus within the group.

  • 除非收到任何参团人员事先的异议,该主要游客可以代替所有参团人员签署《旅客意见反馈书》,这有助于简化行程管理和文件签署流程。

    Unless any touring group member raises objections in advance, the primary travelers may sign the "Passenger Feedback Form" on behalf of all touring group members, simplifying the travel management and document signing process.

  • 本公司不承担由于主要游客未能及时完整地向其他游客传达信息而导致其他游客损失的任何经济或法律责任。

    The company shall not be liable for any economic or legal responsibilities arising from losses incurred by other tourists due to the failure of the primary tourists to timely and completely communicate information to them.



|我们提出的更改 Changes Proposed By Us


4.1 尽管我们尽一切可能按计划提供旅行路线和/或服务,但保留更改路线、交通或住宿的权利。在更换住宿时,将尽可能获得类似标准的住宿。大部分更改为次要变更,我们将提前通知您。在极少数情况下,需要实质性更改时,我们将尽快通知您,以便您能作出下一步决定。在这种情况下,您有权选择:

While we make every effort to provide travel itineraries and/or services as planned, we reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary, transportation, or accommodation. In the event of accommodation changes, we will seek to obtain accommodation of a similar standard whenever possible. Most changes are minor, and we will notify you in advance. In rare cases where substantial changes are necessary, we will notify you as soon as possible so that you can make an informed decision on the next steps. In such cases, you have the right to choose:

  • 如果我们能提供相同或更高标准的替代产品;

    If we can provide a substitute product of the same or higher standard;

  • 如果我们能提供更低标准的替代旅行,同时退还原旅行和替代旅行的价格差;

    If we can provide a substitute travel of lower standard, along with a refund of the price difference between the original and substitute travel;

  • 取消预订并全额退款。

    Cancel the booking and receive a full refund.

  • 在旅行过程中,可能会遇到无法预测的天气、道路状况、罢工等情况。我们提供给您的抵达时间均为预估时间。对于抵达时间的任何变化所导致的您后续行程的变化,我们将不承担任何经济或法律责任。

    During the course of the journey, unforeseeable weather, road conditions or strike may arise. The arrival times provided to you are all estimated times. We shall not be liable for any economic or legal responsibilities arising from changes in arrival times affecting your subsequent itinerary.



|您提出的更改 Your Requested Changes


5.1 如果您希望更改已确认预订的任何部分,则应尽快以书面形式通知我们。尽管我们将尽最大努力为您提供帮助,但我们不能保证我们能够满足您的要求。

Should you seek to amend any aspect of a confirmed booking, it is imperative to promptly notify us in writing. While we strive to accommodate your requests to the fullest extent possible, we cannot guarantee fulfillment.

5.2 若我们可以满足您提出的更改要求,则任何更改都可能需要支付管理费以及更改产生的差价,根据每个产品的费用有所不同,请具体参考每个产品预订页面或书面文件的预订须知。

Any changes meeting your request may be subject to administrative fees and additional charges, contingent upon the individual pricing structure of each product. For precise details, kindly consult the booking terms outlined on each product's reservation page.

5.3 若是定制游产品,请具体参考定制游的更改条款。任何涉及到日期、人数、行程、服务标准的更改需求,我们都需要重新报价。

For tailor-made tour products, please refer to the specific modification terms. Any alterations pertaining to dates, participant numbers, itinerary, or service standards will necessitate a revised quotation.

5.4 若您在网页或者书面文件上未找到任何更改条款,则表明该产品不可更改。

If you cannot find any modification terms on the website or in written documents, it indicates that the product is non-modifiable.


|我们提出的取消 Cancellation By Us


6.1 我们仅会在无法控制的特殊情况下取消旅行团,这些情况超出了我们的控制范围或可能危及您的安全。如果我们取消您的旅行,我们将尽快通知您,并全额退还您所支付的所有款项。

We shall only cancel a tour in circumstances beyond our control or where it may pose a risk to your safety. In the event of such cancellation, we will promptly notify you and provide a full refund of all amounts paid by you.


6.2 在以下情况下,我们有权单方面取消提供服务而无需退款:

We reserve the right to unilaterally cancel the provision of services without refund in the following instances:

  • 因为您未按指定时间支付应付款项,并在接到通知后未付款;

    Failure by you to remit payment of the required fees within the specified timeframe, and continued non-payment after receiving notice;

  • 因为您的人数、行程、日期等发生变更,并且您不愿意支付相应的差价;

    Changes in the number of participants, itinerary, dates, etc., with your refusal to pay the resulting price difference;

  • 因为您违反合同条款、从事欺诈行为、对工作人员进行侮辱等违法或违反道德规范的行为;
    Breach of contract terms, engagement in fraudulent activities, or involvement in illegal or immoral conduct such as insulting staff members.


|您提出的取消 Cancellation Request by You


7.1 如果您在我们发出预订确认信后希望取消预订,您应尽快以书面形式通知我们,邮件发送至:info@robingo.co.uk

If you wish to cancel your reservation after we have issued the booking confirmation, you must notify us in writing as soon as possible, sending an email to: info@robingo.co.uk.

7.2 取消生效日期应从我们收到书面通知的工作日的工作时间开始计算。若取消通知在工作时间之外发送,则生效日期将从下一个工作日开始计算。我们的工作时间为周一至周五,上午9点至下午5点 (除英国公众假期)。 所有时间均按英国当地时间计算。

The effective date of cancellation shall commence from the working day and working hours upon receipt of the written notice. If the cancellation notice is sent outside of working hours, the effective date shall commence from the next working day. Our working hours are Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (expect UK Bank Holiday). All times are in local UK time.

7.3 取消预订可能会产生相应费用。请参考产品页面的取消条款以及我们公司提供的书面报价单和取消条款,以了解具体费用细则。

Cancellation of the reservation may incur corresponding charges. Please refer to the cancellation terms on the product page and the written quotation and cancellation terms provided by our company for specific details of charges.

7.4 由于签证问题,海关拒绝入境、航班延误或取消、个人原因、极端气候、战争、大规模罢工等个人或外部因素导致您无法出行,仍需遵守相应预订产品的取消条款,并承担相应的取消费用。

Despite visa issues, denial of entry by customs, flight delays or cancellations, personal reasons, extreme weather conditions, war, mass strikes, or other personal or external factors preventing your travel, you are still required to comply with the cancellation terms of the corresponding booking product and bear the associated cancellation fees.


|错过旅行 Missed Travel



You are responsible for ensuring that you possess all necessary passports, visas, and other travel documents, and that you arrive at the correct departure location at the correct time, and comply with boarding regulations (such as baggage rules), etc. We do not accept any responsibility for any issues arising from the above, nor do we bear any costs resulting from the above. No changes or refunds will be made for any missed travel or unused services.


|拒绝旅行 Refusal Of Travel


9.1 本公司保留拒绝执行可能导致犯罪或干扰其他乘客旅行或工作人员的行为或方式的权利。

The Company reserves the right to refuse to carry out any actions or behaviours that may lead to criminal activity or disrupt the travel of other passengers or staff members.

9.2 公司还保留拒绝旅客患传染性疾病或者严重甚至威胁生命的疾病,可能导致本人及其他乘客身体不适的情况下旅行的权利。请确保出发前身体健康良好。

The Company also reserves the right to refuse travel to passengers suffering from infectious diseases or serious illnesses that may cause discomfort to themselves or other passengers. Please ensure good health before departure.

9.3 在上述两种情况下,若该客人及其同行人将被拒绝旅行或使用服务,我们不承担任何责任,并不退款。

In the above two cases, if the passenger and their accompanying party are refused travel or service, we shall not bear any responsibility and shall not provide any refunds.


|个人财产管理 Personal Property Management



During the course of travel, it is imperative that you diligently safeguard your personal documents, cash, bank cards, valuables, electronic devices, and other personal effects. Do not leave your personal documents and valuables unattended in any transportation vehicles, hotels, or entrusted to drivers, guides, or fellow travellers. The Company shall not assume any liability for any loss of items resulting from the aforementioned circumstances, and hereby disclaims any and all economic and legal responsibility.


|供应商管理 Vendor Management


11.1 我们提供的旅游产品中,部分服务由独立的第三方供应商提供和执行,他们根据自己的条款和条件提供此类产品和服务。

Certain travel products we offer are provided and executed by independent third-party suppliers, who furnish such products and services pursuant to their own terms and conditions.

11.2 关于与旅行相关的任何供应商或个人的任何行为或不作为(无论是否疏忽),除非此类人员受雇于本公 司或由本公司直接管理,否则公司概不承担任何直接或间接责任。尽管我们通过合同和认证管理第三方供 应商提供的描述和其他信息,但我们不能保证所有信息的准确性、完整性和正确性,每个此类供应商应对其提供的信息的准确性、完整性和正确性负责。但是,这并不影响您根据《2018年旅行和联系旅行安排条例》享有的法定权利(如果适用于您的预订)。

With respect to any actions or omissions (whether negligent or otherwise) of any suppliers or individuals associated with travel, the Company disclaims any direct or indirect liability unless such persons are employed by or directly managed by the Company. While we manage the descriptions and other information provided by third-party suppliers through contracts and certifications, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and correctness of all information, and each such supplier is responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and correctness of the information they provide. Nonetheless, this does not affect your statutory rights under the 2018 Regulations (if applicable to your booking). 

11.3 如果确定我们有责任向您支付赔偿,则向您支付的赔偿金额不超过预订时支付给本公司的金额。 此限制不适用于与死亡、人身伤害、欺诈或疏忽相关的任何索赔(或法律无法排除或限制的任何其他类 型的索赔)。您必须在发生后的24小时内根据本条款书面通知我们可能存在的任何潜在索赔。

In the event it is determined that we are liable to compensate you, the maximum amount of compensation payable to you shall not exceed the amount paid to the Company at the time of booking. This limitation does not apply to any claims pertaining to death, personal injury, fraud, or negligence (or any other type of claim that cannot be excluded or limited by law). You must provide written notice of any potential claims within 24 hours of their occurrence, in accordance with these terms.

11.4 公司不对不可预见或间接损失承担责任。对于由以下原因导致的任何损失、费用、损害或索赔,我们概 不负责,也不承担赔偿责任:

 The Company shall not be liable for unforeseeable or indirect losses. We shall not be liable for any losses, costs, damages, or claims resulting from:

  • 您的任何行为或不作为;

    Your acts or omissions;

  • 与所订定的产品和/或服务无关,并且不可预见或不可避免的第三方的行为或不作为;

    Acts or omissions of third parties unrelated to the products and/or services booked, and unforeseeable or unavoidable actions or omissions of such third parties;

  • 我们(或我们的供应商)无法控制的异常情况或不可预见的情况,即使采取了所有适当措施,也无法避免其后果;

    Exceptional circumstances or unforeseeable events beyond our (or our suppliers') control, even if all appropriate measures have been taken to avoid their consequences;

  • 我们(或我们的供应商)无法预见或阻止的事件,即使没有采取一切适当的措施。

    Events that we (or our suppliers) could not reasonably foresee or prevent, even if all appropriate measures have not been taken.

11.5 公司不对未从公司购买的任何旅行和行程安排产生的费用负责。

The Company shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred for travel and itinerary arrangements not purchased from the Company.


特殊要求 Special Request



If you have any special requests, please notify us at the time of booking. We will make every effort to accommodate your reasonable special requests, but we cannot guarantee that all requests will be fulfilled, and the failure to fulfil any special requests shall not constitute a breach of contract on our part. Where appropriate, we will communicate your special requests to your hotel or service provider. However, we shall not be held liable for their ability to accommodate your special needs. Please be aware that certain hotels or providers may levy additional charges for specific requests, which should be paid on-site.


|投诉 Complaints


13.1 欢迎您积极反馈对于我们以及其他供应商提供的旅游产品和/或服务。如果您在旅行过程中有任何投诉, 请当场向客服、司机、导游或工作人员提出,我们将尽力协调解决此问题,使您满意。

We welcome proactive feedback concerning the travel products and/or services provided by us  and other suppliers. Should you have any complaints during your journey, please promptly address them with our customer service, driver, guide, or staff members. We will strive to coordinate and resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

13.2 如果您的投诉未能在当场解决,并且您希望进一步投诉,请通过书面方式与我们联系,并提供投诉所需 的所有相关信息及证据。我们会要求您在游览结束后的24小时内向我们提出任何投诉,否则可能会影响 我们调查投诉的能力。投诉邮箱:info@robingo.co.uk

If your complaint remains unresolved on-site and you seek further recourse, please communicate with us in writing, furnishing all pertinent information and evidence required for the complaint. We may request that you submit any complaints to us within 24 hours following the conclusion of the tour, as failure to adhere to this timeline may impede our ability to investigate the complaint effectively. Complaints may be directed to info@robingo.co.uk


|数据保护 Data Protection



We adhere strictly to applicable data protection laws and handle your personal information with utmost care. In order to process your booking and ensure smooth travel arrangements, we require the use of personal information provided by you, including but not limited to your name, address, contact details, any special requests, and others. With your consent, we may also use the provided information to keep in touch with you and occasionally provide suggestions regarding company products and services (including special offers). Where necessary and appropriate measures are in place, we may also transmit personal information to third parties (such as accommodation providers or other suppliers related to your booking).


|个人保险 Personal Insurance



We strongly recommend that you purchase appropriate personal insurance covering travel, medical, and cancellation expenses before the departure date.


|促销活动 Promotion Activities


16.1 我们(或我们的代理)可能不时推出促销活动来推广旅行产品,可能会为您的预订价格提供折扣。促销代码仅在指定日期(和指定的旅行/出发地)内有效,并且仅适用于您直接通过我们的网站和/或电话进行的预订。促销活动不可兑换现金,公司有权随时酌情终止促销活动。促销活动不得与其他任何优惠叠加使用,除非有特别说明。

We (or our agents) may occasionally launch promotional activities to promote travel products, which may offer discounts on your booking price. Promotion codes are valid only on specified dates (and specified travel/departure locations), and are applicable only to bookings made directly through our website and/or phone. Promotion activities are non-exchangeable for cash, and the company reserves the right to terminate promotional activities at its discretion. Promotion activities may not be used in conjunction with any other offers unless specifically stated otherwise.

16.2 如果您未在促销期间购买我们公司的产品,且您购买的产品价格高于同一产品的促销价格,我们将不会退还促销差价,您也不能以此为理由要求免费取消或更改产品。所有取消和更改产品仍需按照预订时的条款执行。

If you did not purchase our company's products during the promotional period, and the price of the product you purchased is higher than the promotional price for the same product, we will not refund the promotional price difference, and you cannot request free cancellation or modification of the product for this reason. All cancellations and modifications to products must still be executed according to the terms at the time of booking.


|不可抗力 Force Majeure



Unless otherwise explicitly specified in the terms and conditions, we (and relevant suppliers) shall not be held liable to you for any failure to fulfil our contractual obligations resulting from any event beyond our control (and beyond the control of suppliers). Such events may include (but are not limited to) war or threat of war; terrorism or threat of terrorism; civil unrest or riots; actions taken by government or public authorities; labour disputes; collapse of buildings, fire, explosion, or accidents; traffic or road conditions or closures; technical or mechanical failures; adverse weather conditions; natural disasters; and all similar events or circumstances.


|条款可执行性 Severability Clause



If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.


|仲裁机构 Arbitration Institution



Within the limits permitted by law, these terms and conditions shall be governed by English law and interpreted in accordance with English law. Any issues or claims arising from this shall be exclusively dealt with by the English courts (unless you can choose the law and courts of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, or the Republic of Ireland if you reside in any of these places and wish to do so).